
Computer Forensics & Cell Phone Forensics
The goal of computer & cell phone forensics is to examine digital media in a forensically sound manner with the aim of identifying, analyzing and presenting facts and professional opinions about the information.
Data Recovery
Recovering data from physically damaged computer or cell phone hardware.
Recover lost pass codes for Iphones.
Internet Piracy
Intellectual property and information piracy occurring over the internet.
Online counterfeiting, trademark infringement, unfair competition, dilution, copyright infringement or technological protection circumvention.
Computer Crimes
Monitor and protect trade secrets, intellectual property, and other business assets from misuse by employees and others through technologies.
Online Harassment & Cyber Bullying Cases
Email Tracing
Locate the owners name and address form and email address.
Social Network Investigations
Harnessing the social web has become an integral part of work for any investigator. So much information is being shared with smartphones and social media that it’s absolutely impossible to ignore. And the amount of data is growing every day.
Debugging & Electronic Sweeps
Help to protect yourself and your company from invasions and thefts due to surveillance wiretaps and bugs. Recently, cases of computer theft and alteration of computer records have been perpetrated by criminals who gained access to telephone data lines using electronic bugs.
Spyware on Computers or Cell Phones
Protect your workforce and company data with uncompromising internet security for desktops, laptops, virtual machines, tablets, smartphones, and web browsing.